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1. Support community engagement for human Rights inclusive education
2. Conduct continuous community awareness on human rights (right to protection, right to GBV and psychosocial support)
3. Conduct human rights human entrepreneurship for youth refugee and host community


• Mobilization and formulation of small Human Rights working groups for accessibility and services delivery such as right to education, right to health, right to protection and right to shelter
• A linkage between communities, local government, development partners and other likeminded organization for implementing Human Rights Development Projects
• Public interest Human Rights information dissemination.
• Human Rights Advocacy and Community level Partnership

1. Participation: through our human rights community based approach with the involvement of village opinion leaders (faith based groups, RWcs and LCs, discussions with elders and get their opinions on issues concerning human rights, their experience and feedback to the youth and draw best experience
2. Accountability: individual or groups of human rights get responsibilities or understand dos and don’ts human rights breaches, non-discrimination and equality and reporting mechanism
3. Non-discrimination: without discrimination of any kind; includes race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or opinion, national or social origin, property, birth…
4. Equality: this goes with prevent discrimination, care for people with disabilities, promote equality, respect, protect human rights in our local community
5. Empowerment: by securing our community on issues concerning civil and political rights, community livelihood and education rights.
6. Legality: does the community knows their access to human rights, laws , policies, procedures are in place known by the community as a human rights (without human rights there is no human development)  


Human Rights Human Africa is principally guided by the Human Rights Values adopted by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), The International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant for Economic, Social, and Rights form the International Bill of Rights; these values or guiding principles includes.